Our Primary Fundraiser:
Annual VCA Walk-A-Thon
Every first Friday of May we have our annual VCA Walkathon. We have done this for over 10 years and made thousands of dollars through the generosity of families and friends. Half of the money goes towards the school's finances and the other half goes towards the students tuition. Praise the Lord for His great mercy in providing funds for our school and its families! If you are a family member, friend, church member or a stranger with a kind heart and would love to help our students; please click the link below to donate to help these kids christian education. Thank you!
Box Tops
What better fundraiser is there then one that doesn't take any work and is free with the purchases of your weekly groceries? We are kicking off the year with advertising for the collection of Boxtops! This fundraiser is great because we can do it all year round! Now is easier than ever! You just have to download the Boxtops app to your phone, put Victory Christian Academy as your school of choice and then any time you go shopping simply take a picture of your receipt through the app. If you have a Boxtop label on there it'll automatically give the money to the schools account. It's easy, quick and can be done by anyone even if you're not affiliated with our school!