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Our Church's 
Covid Plan

Sanitizing Products

Our current covid plan as of today:

With the lifting of the Minnesota Mask Mandate we have changed our Covid Plan as a congregation. We believe in free choice and personal responsibility. If your family would like to wear a mask please feel free to do so. If your family does not want to wear a mask please feel free to do so. What we want from both sides is understanding that the other can do what they feel is right for their family and neither side pass a judgement on the other. We are called by Christ to live in harmony, even with people we might disagree with. As Christians let us love everyone the same and instead of focusing on things of this earth let us focus on praising God for His blessings and reading His Word for encouragement. 


We have begun singing from hymnals again, although we are also using a powerpoint in case you do not feel comfortable using the hymnal yet. We have taken down the social distancing tape on the pews and you can sit freely wherever you like. If you would still like to social distance please still come. We are a small church and you can easily social distance in our auditorium. We are also still providing hand sanitizer and free masks if you would like one. 




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