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New Years EveService



                December 31st is the last hoorah for our church before a new year. Please come and join those at Victory Baptist Church in worship to God for His many blessings from the past year and pray that He'll lead us through the new year. It is an encouraging time of singing together as a congregation and hearing the Pastor preach from God's Word. Not only that but it also a time of celebration and fun! We will be having a ping-pong tournament for whoever wants to participate, fun table/group games, and lots of food to eat! 

When: , December 31st

Service starts at 6:00 pm.

Eating, Games and the likes starts at 7 pm.

Where: At the Church

What to Bring: Food and Games

If you are a visitor please come empty handed and leave with joy in your heart and a full belly. If you are a church member please bring a covered dish and a dessert to share. Also bring a favorite table/group game, or two. 


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